These photos of Mary (Grothaus) Hecht (1855-1883) and George Joseph Hecht (ca 1851-1883)
may have been taken in 1875, the year they were married.
ABOVE LEFT: Brothers William Henry Hecht, left, and Edward Joseph Hecht, right, as boys. They were raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana, by their maternal grandparents after the deaths of both their parents, George Joseph and Mary (Grothaus) Hecht, in 1883.
ABOVE RIGHT: William Henry Hecht (1878-1967) and his son Raymond H. Hecht (1915-1986) were photographed May 20, 1965, on the occasion of Raymond's daughter's wedding. William was 87 years old at the time; Raymond was 50 years old.
All photos above courtesy of Hecht descendant Amy Ray.
Pictured above are four Hecht siblings, the children of Henry J. and
Elizabeth (Ziegler) Hecht. Seated in front are Anna Margaret (Hecht)
Leyes (1869-1948) and Charles J. Hecht (1872-1946). Standing in
the back, on the left, is Clara Hecht (1887- >1944). Dorothy "Dora"
Hecht (1874-1964) stands in back on the right.
We have it on good authority that the gentleman in this photo is not
Harry Hecht, as previously thought, but his older brother Charles.
Richard J. Hecht, Charles’s grandson, remembers standing to the
side when this picture was taken, and says that Harry Hecht (1880-1930)
was already dead by that time.
LEFT: Anna (Hecht) Leyes (1869-1948) sits with a bowl of apples. RIGHT: This cast iron dutch oven once belonged
to Anna (Hecht) Leyes. She would be pleased to know that one of her great-granddaughters still uses it for cooking.
LEFT: A photo taken of Sister Flavia (Gertrude Hecht) at her final profession of vows. RIGHT: Dorothy Hecht, Clara Hecht, and Cecilia (Leyes) Jergens traveled to New Jersey in October 1942 to attend Sister Flavia’s funeral. Dora and Clara Hecht were Gertrude’s siblings; Cecilia was Gertrude’s niece.
This watch belonged to Sister Flavia [Gertrude Hecht] (1884-1942). Her initials (GH) were engraved in script on the front of the watch case (top left). The decorative engraving on the back of the case (center photo) includes a tiny scene with buildings and trees. The watch case measures scarcely more than an inch-and-three-eighths across. We thought Sister Flavia’s watch ought to “go home” to Ohio rather than sit in a box on a shelf, collecting dust. In February 2013 we contacted the Archives Department of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor and asked if they would like to have Sister Flavia’s pocket watch. They were pleased to accept this gift, and sent us a photo of the watch now on display with other everyday objects associated with the Sisters through the years.